GYER: Space Education

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Showing posts with label Space Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Education. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Into Space May Be the Most Powerful Lightning

Introduction On August 7, 2014, a giant light jet shot up from the thunderstorm clouds over Northern Queensland, Australia. This gigantic je...
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Sunday, June 26, 2022

The government wants to nuke the moon – and we have questions

  The moon’s surface to study the effects of an impact on the lunar crust. Still, we need more information before understanding how this c...
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The Extraterrestrial Aliens Might Be Hanging Out On Dyson Spheres Circling Bright Dwarfs, Physicist Argues

  In an intriguing new paper by physicist Silas Beane of the University of Bonn in Germany and a few pals, that is what aliens would do. A...
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The 8 Strangest Objects in the Universe

  You’ve heard of the Horsehead Nebula and the Crab Pulsar before, but what about these eight other strangest objects in the universe? Eig...
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NASA Aborts Moon Rocket Test Launch Just Seconds Before Liftoff

  The $250 million lander was intended to be launched into Earth’s orbit aboard an unmanned Atlas V rocket from Florida’s Cape Canaveral A...
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Mars Cracks: The Bizarre Polygons Explained

 Which are thought to be caused by tectonic plates moving within the Martian surface. The theory suggests that there are six layers of rock ...
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Giant sunspot on the sun could be a sign of an impending solar storm

  The sunspot may herald an impending solar storm that could reach Earth in one to three days, according to researchers at the National Oc...
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Did You Know NASA Is Now Hunting For UFOs?

  The agency has been compiling reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) since 1959, including sightings by both civilian and militar...
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4 Hostile Alien Civilizations That May Be Hiding in Our Own Galaxy

  The millions or billions of planets that make up our galaxy. The search for extraterrestrial life has helped us uncover hundreds of plan...
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Monday, June 20, 2022

The James Webb Space Telescope Gets Hit by a Micrometeoroid

  The James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled to launch in October 2018, has run into an issue right out of the gate – it was hit by a micro...
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If China Can't Detect Aliens, Who Can?

  Today, the search continues in earnest, with programs such as SETI and other research projects working to detect radio signals or any ev...
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